The Reclamation Project, led by renowned Cooperative Borg Faction Leader, Hugh, has asked for help! The Player’s Captain and Captain Kuumaarke search the Delta Quadrant, looking for their missing ally and discover the damaged and abandoned ship of Aetherian leader, Thaseen-Fei. Mounting a search-and-rescue mission, the Player’s Captain must uncover the truth of what went wrong upon the Harmony.
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The year is 2409. Over a century has passed since the events of Star Trek: Discovery and thirty years since the events of Star Trek: Nemesis. The Romulan Empire has fractured after the destruction of their homeworld; covert meddling by the Undine and Iconians has forced the Federation and Klingon Empire into war with each other once again; and remnants of the Cassian military and Alpha Strain Jem'Hadar disrupt the peace near Deep Space Nine. The galaxy is in turmoil and it's up to you and your crew to save it!

Starfleet - Starfleet is the military, defensive, and exploratory branch of the United Federation of Planets, which is an alliance of more than 150 planetary governments, spread out over 8,000 light years.
- Allegiance - Starfleet
- Main Faction Hub - Earth Spacedock
Klingon Defense Force - In the 25th century, the Klingon Empire has expanded its territory to include the Gorn homeworld, as well as other species like the Nausicaans and the Orio. Together they form the Klingon Defense Force.
- Allegiance - Klingon Defense Force
- Main Faction Hub - First City
Romulan Republic - Born out of the Vulcan reunification movement and the Reman Resistance, the Romulan Republic was formed in 2409 as an alliance of Romulans and Remans.
- Allegiance - Starfleet or Klingon Defense Force
- Main Faction Hub - New Romulus Command
TOS Starfleet - Created to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Star Trek: The Original Series, players are given the ability to create a new captain in that era, which includes classic story lines, locations, actors, and starships.
- Allegiance - Starfleet
- Main Faction Hub - Earth Spacedock (23rd Century)
DSC Starfleet - Players are given the ability to create a new captain in the Star Trek: Discovery era, and are set on an adventure, which includes storylines, locations, celebrities, and starships that run parallel to the show.
- Allegiance - Starfleet
- Main Faction Hub - Starfleet Academy (23rd Century)
The Dominion - A major galactic political power based in the Gamma Quadrant, whose influence is exerted over thousands of planets there. The Dominion's subject worlds are kept in check by formidable Jem'Hadar soldiers.
- Allegiance - Starfleet or Klingon Defense Force
- Main Faction Hub - Deep Space 9
Starfleet - Starfleet is the military, defensive, and exploratory branch of the United Federation of Planets, which is an alliance of more than 150 planetary governments, spread out over 8,000 light years.
- Allegiance - Starfleet
- Main Faction Hub - Earth Spacedock

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